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Literary Translation Workshop

Sunday, Sept. 22
4:00-6:00pm EST

In this workshop, Emma Ramadan will lead participants in an interactive discussion where they will give and receive feedback on one another's translation projects. Discussion will center on the various choices that translators must make when carrying a literary text from one language to another. Texts translated from any language into English are welcome, and no prior experience with translation is necessary.

Participation will be capped at ten. Participants will be asked to submit up to one page of translated poetry or prose (double spaced) and to comment on each other’s work ahead of the workshop.

Emma Ramadan is an educator and literary translator of all genres from French, with a focus on undersung women novelists, experimental literature, and writers from the Arab world. She is the recipient of the 2021 PEN Translation Prize, the 2018 Albertine Prize, two National Endowment for the Arts fellowships, a PEN/Heim grant, and a Fulbright. Her translations include Sphinx, Not One Day, and In Concrete by Anne Garréta; A Country for Dying by Abdellah Taïa; Zabor, or the Psalms by Kamel Daoud; co-translations with Olivia Baes of The Easy Life and Me & Other Writing by Marguerite Duras; and Panics by Barbara Molinard.

To register for “Literary Translation Workshop,” donate to Eman (suggested donation $60USD, please donate more if you can!) then fill out the registration form.

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