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Literary Translation Manuscript Consult

Are you an aspiring literary translator? Working on a project and want to get feedback from a professional? Submit up to ten pages of your work as well as a draft of a “pitch” to a publisher, and Deborah will give you detailed line editing on your ten-page sample, suggestions for improving the pitch, and advice on which publishers to pitch to.

Deborah Smith is a Korean to English literary translator who has translated over fifteen books from Korean, including the Booker Prize-winning The Vegetarian by Han Kang. She is the founder of Tilted Axis Books, an independent publisher of contemporary literature by the Global Majority, translated into or written in a variety of Englishes.

To register for “Literary Translation Manuscript Consult,” donate to Khalid (suggested donation $60 USD / 658 NOK, please donate more if you can!) then fill out the registration form. Once we receive your form, we will put you in touch with Deborah for your consultation!

July 30


August 3

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