about us

Photo by Hamza Salha

Workshop (noun) /ˈwɝːk.ʃɑːp/
1. a room or building where things are made or repaired using machines and/or tools
2. a meeting of people to discuss and/or perform practical work in a subject or activity

We are artists, writers, educators, booksellers, organizers, and everyday people united by a common vision: the liberation of Palestine from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.

We are not a formal organization but a group of autonomous people committed to getting monetary aid to Palestinians under siege while reimagining education through the lens of a solidarity economy rather than a profit-driven model. We conceive of “workshops” in the broadest possible sense, as intensive but inclusive spaces where people can come together to learn, make and repair things with one another.

We believe mutual aid is not charity or a band-aid solution but a key (though often overlooked) tactic of revolutionary struggle with a rich history and legacy in Palestine itself. It is also a form of political education that can be deeply transformative for those who participate in it.

Workshops for Gaza welcomes anyone who abides by the principles of the Thawabit to join our work in any capacity, for any amount of time.