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The Workers Love Palestine

Step 1: Donate to Sameer Project here (sugg. donation $40).

Step 2: Register for “The Workers Love Palestine” here.

In this workshop we will read and discuss the poem “The Workers Love Palestine” by Zaina Alsous together with an excerpt from Blood in My Eye by George Jackson to consider language and labor as tools of struggle against imperial and colonial power.

We will grapple with what these texts clarify and complicate about the relationships between capitalism and imperialism, poetry and politics, revolutionary theory and revolutionary practice.

Following our discussion, we will engage in a short somatic activity and collective writing exercise, a collaborative “fumbling toward an otherwise” as an experiment in cultural production that engages many voices and our whole bodies.

The Daybreak Poets Collective are poets committed to anti-imperialism. The collective is named after June Jordan’s INTIFADA INCANTATION: POEM #8 FOR b.b.L., and the line—NOBODY TAKE AWAY DAYBREAK! The Daybreak facilitators for this workshop will be Jody Chan and Furqan Mohamed.

May 12

Theories and Practices of Childhood Liberation

May 17

Against these Walls: Disrupting the War Machine from Sonora to Gaza